Study tour in USA

Hi all,

My name is Take live in Japan.
I am running small community FabLab in Hamamatsu, Japan.
And I wanna learn about Bio community more.

I will trip around USA during July.
NYC->Boston->Chicago->San francisco->San jose

If you have any idea of bio space should visit, event should join, people should meet, Company shoud say hi, insect should eat…
Give me information!!

My interest is…

How to eat almost anything(insect, vegetable, meat,)
automation machine, device, system for Bio experiment
Mycology, mushroom (want to grow and eat in my room)
synthetic biology(beginner level)

Existing Plan




EMW Bookstore


no idea

San francisco

Counter Culture Lab(meetup)

San jose


Short bio:
I was working as mechanical engineer for semiconductor. And Started hackerspace 2014.
After that dived in to FabLab network.
Last year, I started to learn about BIO under BioAcademy, and BioHackAcademy.
After that, I opened a tiny BioSpace. But I need more knowledge and experience…

Please feel free to easy comment!!

Thank you.

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