Do you have some experience building hardware? Are you interested in science tools and methods, within Academia or outside of it? We are looking for groups that want to build open science equipment adapting to local needs and specific requirements.
Apply to this event and start building hardware!
Applications are open until May 5th 2019.
Groups can apply by filling out this form
### This document contains information about the criteria used to select teams for this project's first making event and how they should apply for it.
# Building Free Open Science Hardware following demand
## Apply to our event and start building hardware!
As part of this [project](, supported by [Mozilla Foundation](, we're [mapping demand of open science hardware tools]( around the word.
Now we are moving forward to engage communities and build open science hardware based on our findings!
Do you have some experience building hardware? Are you interested in science tools and methods, within Academia or outside of it? We are looking for groups that want to build open science equipment adapting to local needs and specific requirements. **Apply to our event!**
## Why apply?
Let us start by *thanking you* for considering applying to this event :) Without your participation, this wouldn't be possible!
Since this is our first attempt at such an event, a lot of things are very experimental and we don't have a lot of resources. However, if you get selected, we will support you with *weekly calls* to help the development of your selected tool, as well as with *funds to buy components* (via reimbursement after presentation of purchase receipts).
If you are part of an institution/group that could work more independently because you are already well funded, do get in touch. We would like to develop as many tools as possible, and by supplying some of the funding for your components, you'll be allowing us to bring more underfunded groups into the event.
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