Update before the year's end

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the radio silence. I have had to focus on other work while we try and get a machine that’s easier for me to access and develop on. There are machines available on eBay in the UK but the prices are more than we could afford with our budget. I sent a lot of low-ball offers and several requests for sellers to contact me directly but none of it has worked.

(I also need to change my forum notification settings as I wasn’t notified that people were trying to get in touch here – sorry about that.)

The last significant work was undertaken at the end of September in Gaudilabs in Switzerland. I spent 5 days there working on stage movement, camera capture and trying to reproduce the initialisation process using python. I made some good progress but didn’t manage to get it to a point where I felt someone else could reliably make use of it (i.e. an alpha release).

Work has been pushed to Git though: https://github.com/kasbah/reseq-micro-manager and https://github.com/kasbah/reseq-python

The good news is: it’s looking much better for next year. We will have a HiSeq 2500 donated by @tboysen in Berlin in @bengtsjolen’s studio (has it arrived yet?). I can stay with my folks in Berlin for longer periods which should make things much easier. It should also be much easier for @bengtsjolen to contribute.

In non-software related news: @mamaya managed to win a photo competition with a scan made with the Gaudilabs HiSeq 2000. (Where can we see the scans @mamaya?)

So, in summary: hold tight and we should be able to make an alpha release in January 2020!