Open Geneva Hackathons | 12 - 14. May 2017
Through-out the weekend there will be maaaaany parallel Hackathons distributed all over town.
We are also partnering with BioFabbing to be cross-promoted and cross-polinated within these circles (without doing a “real” hackathon).
Participate / Visit the Hackathons
If anybody is interested to join/participate also at one of the hackathons, feel free to leave us and interact with other local groups.
Present at final day
We are also invited (if there is interest) to present 2-3 projects/groups from within our BioFabbing participants, also stuff you have been doing at anytime in your life, not just on this weekend.
Please reply to this topic if you feel like. The final presentations are on Sunday afternoon, after all our BioFabbing discussions and hack-sessions are already over.
11. May (Thursday): Public Lecture "“The Power of Open” by Rufus Pollock
17h45 - 18h30 : Lecture publique “The Power of Open” (en anglais)
par Rufus Pollock, Fondateur et Président de Open Knowledge
14. May (Sunday): Public Presentations and Cocktails @ Campus Biotech
15h00 : ouverture des portes à Campus Biotech - présentation de posters
16h00 à 16h20 : The Power of Open par Rufus Pollock, Fondateur et Président de Open Knowledge
16h30 à 17h30 : Project presentations (‘pitch’ de 3 minutes).
17h30 : cocktail, posters et networking