Project Kickoff at Gaudilabs

Yesterday I arrived back in Luzern and we are now starting work in Gaudilabs. Gaudilabs has expanded meaning we have a dedicated ReSeq Lab.

I’ll be posting more updates as we get back into the swing of things. If anyone wants to call in for a video chat in the next 7 days then suggest a time and I’ll arrange it.

@gaudi also created a poster, with the project goals and supporters.

Thanks to all our supporters!

Fighting with Micromanagers…

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Yesterday we got the Z lense focus kind of working (after struggling a bit with Micromanager serial port limitations). With that and the existing Hamamatsu adapters (that can only read 128 lines), we got Micromanager to autofocus using the Oughtafocus plugin.

Today we managed to do a quick and dirty image aquisition with line bundle height at 4000 in Micromanager.

Here the image for the ReSeq banner. I suggest we use it as the banner for this category (@dusjagr guess only you can change it, please)


Nice, but maybe we should just use the big text since you can’t read the small text anyway?

