Soil Respiration: CO2 chamber measurements

hi all
so finally we are moving on to replicate the soil respiration chamber ! Gracias @dusjagr for parts and inspiration!!
this is happening during the [first south american residence on open source scientific hardware] ( thanks to Pablo, Ivan and Anabella

it would be so great to have a live humus sapiens experience in this side of the world, maybe during the 3rd residence in Mendoza on 2021 devoted to environmental monitoring and agroecology??

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Thanks for sharing your project.
Yes, it would be great to have humus sapiens experience in this side of the world! I cross my fingers!

Regards to all from Buenos Aires.

hi nano,

great to see that the kit i gave you finally is in good use! i just recently fixed mine, but havent further explored it. it broke after all the global travel. so think about going beyond the breadboard soon, and make it robust. (maybe i broke it when trashing it on the table in openFIESTA :slight_smile: )

where will you document your epxierences? we still have more to do here on the wiki

also i just found another potential candidate for the CO2 sensor from Sensirion. The company is just down the lake from us in zurich, and i have some friends working there, so we could ask for a donation of… let’s say.y… 100 modules !!

Talking about residencies. happy to announce that I just got also a grant to plan ahead and prepare the program for HLabX involving a series of residencies, fellowships and an upcoming HackteriaLab. but not in 2027, … starting now today yesterday already ( a first residency is happening now here in Yogya with people from Taiwan), and more opportunities for exchange and residencies in the upcoming months.
rumours are on the wiki:

and HUMUS.Sapiens will be involved as one of the nodes for upcoming activities…
our SoilGeek from Munich is having this campain on at the moment:

hi Marc

we are documenting here but it would be nice if you think we can add our experience to the hackteria wiki :slight_smile:
the gitlab respository is full of empty folders because it is a guide/template to the people at the residence to document … :grimacing:

they have already a nice pcb! and they are thinking about a calibration with NaOH for the zero point and for the span points, the CO2 generated from the reaction between citric acid and sodium bicarbonate caught with a known volume syringe (I’m not there so I really don’t know how they will do this but hopefully it will be documented so… )
one question, they are not sure about the use of the use of the ventilator in the chamber? is it really necessary to get an homogeneous atmosphere? I will invite the residents to join the forum so they can comment and ask directly

Yeah, we need some donated sensirions to play with!

Great to read about the HLabX happening now yesterday and tomorrow and that humus sapiens keeps moving with secure pace and peace on the soil

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What needs to be done in order to make the system easy to build and use? I would like to test the Sensirion + other sensors, and I could also write some documentation about how to do the measurements and how to interpret the data.

In the future we could use a model that predicts the CO2 exchange on a map cell, and this could be compared to the actual measurements. It would be very interesting to see if the model and the measurements match, and if not, are there some patterns (systematic differences).


It’s been a while since updating this discussion here on CO2 chambers for soil respiration measurements.

A lot of new developments happened over the last couple of months, during the UROS project in Maribor, Slovenia, we picked it up again and developed new hardware both locally and globally connected with @nanocastro @paulapin24 and others.

A lot of the documentation has been updated here in the hackteria wiki.

While nano has documented an this amazing gitlab repository ( partially in spanish, some in english)

And there is a new project category on the GOSH forum here:

We started working on a new setup, using more up-to-date hardware:

  • ESP32 S2 (UM FeatherS2 bought from adafruit)
  • SCD41, the newest photoaccoustic sensor by Sensirion (and yes we got some boards sponsored, hopefully more to come)

And we got in contact again with Pannu on learning more deepy about how to use the soil respiration chambers and all the stuff to consider to be able to interpret the results.

PM @dusjagr here if you want to join our telegram group to bounce ideas and share experiences.

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We are doing great progress with the new hardware / software for the CO2 soil respiration chambers!

We adapted the system to proper IoT capability and sending all the measurements ot Thingspeak now.
Check our streams here from Yogya, and here from Mendoza.

Now it’s on a new clean github repository to be more structured documentation for ease of being reproduced.

… and YES!!! we got a new batch of SCD41 sensors sponsored by Sensirion! They are in the mail now.
Who want to join the developing or field test crews?

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ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ Yeah !

Impressive great works!

i’ll spread it tonight during weekly local biohackerspace gathering.

@dusjagr what could be the first step to join the adventure and contribute from Brittany?

I’m thinking to reproduce it and also add another measurement device on “Flash Drought” phenomenon.

the flash drought (named like this since 2019), a very fast phenomenon of setting in KO by ultra dryness in a very short time of a zone and in particular of plants.

Some people translate this into “hair dryer effect”. I would gladly and frankly go with “flash death by desiccation”.

An article in the journal Nature details several variants of this terrible phenomenon.

The percentages of flash drought-affected land areas in 2007, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2019 and 2020 rank in the top 6 during 2000-2020

Example: 46°C outside temperature, 40km/h wind, 10% air humidity, specific soil conditions and fluid circulation as well, and healthy vines or cereals die in a few hours (~4h to 6h, sometimes much less)

maybe based on Arduino nano 33 BLE Sense

Hei Xav, we have regular discussion on a telegram group. But posting here already is a good start.
We still improving the documentation, but having someone trying to reproduce it, would already help a lot. The sponsored sensors have arrived, so we could ship some to brittany, if you wish.

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Great, great, great!
For sure I wish :wink: I’ll send you address.

1 Like might be useful for doing edgeML on arduinoBLE (and they have now got a implementation for RP Pico)


We & I are planning to buy some components .So, if you have nay tips / hint / opportunity / facility = please share it!. We are opened and I can assure and affirm a contribution to the wikis.

I will send you the sensors, when i am back in Europe…
For the rest, just refer to the github and wiki.
The ESP32 can also be a more cheaper one, than the UM feather s2.
Good luck! And ping me on PM, so i can add you to our telegram group, where we are discussion our experiments live.