Unconference Brainstorming

We have been collecting ideas on our Brainstorming gdoc, and now are using this forum to have more structured discussions.

Useful links:
MASTER AGENDA: Only upload final arrangements!!
Participant List collected from all registrations.
Unconference folder: For additional documents or stand-alone docs for preparation of sessions
General Timetable: To converge the schedules
See our living budget here. (Numbers are due to change)

Codes of conduct: It was suggested in Paris that we could consider updating them?

Great comment.

we have had a Code of Conduct in Place during and pre GOSH2017. See the description here:

besides having it written, it’s even more important to have it well communicated and dedicate moderators to contact about it. i personally am not too experienced. but people on this group wanna dig deeper into it that would be awesome!

Check if you are on it… we try to condense this from various registrations and private messages. But most probably we exactly forgot about YOU!

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auf der liste bin ich oben http://citizensciences.net/biofabbing/people/

merci g

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yeah… you artists, the first thing to do is check if your name is on the wall :nerd:

urs ordered that on facebook, just adapting ))

Here is the current unconference schdeule.