Collaborators needed for Open source healthcare project (fabricademy)

Ow @dusjagr making me get up EARLY!!! LOL :laughing: :rofl: I hope I can make it :sweat_smile:

I love your work :slight_smile: thank you for your reply. looking forward to talking with you

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Reminder for the call tomorrow.
Hope to see many of you there!

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me too! hope to see some of you there! see you later <3

See you later!
I’ll be there

I am on my way home! There was a mixup in my scuedule but i will be with you soon

Dear Marc , how can I participate at the call?

Thanks all for joining today’s call!

I pasted our chat into the pad
Would be great to separate dedicated topics we discussed into their own topics on this forum.

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Hi Djusgar, I am Elisee from Mboalab. How could I join future sessions?


I think we are meeting every 2 weeks if i am not mistaken? @dusjagr can you remind us when the next one is? :smiley: <3

Hello everyone! How are you? I am good, busy busy. I wanted to ask whether any of you have any suggestions for magnification lenses for a mobile phone microscope. I went to a DIY bio open day thing here and saw a small structure that was lasercut with a simple lens. I have no clue what the lens is, it was not something really expensive.

Pretty much every lens will work to turn you mobile phone cam into a microscope.
we got some notes here on the wiki:
the lenses from cheap 1$ laser pointers are popular. then just stick it onto your phone with some putty.

good luck.

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