DDDP - 2 more years of Daphniaology

Originally the distributed daphnia domestication project was meant to run for 10 years…that time time is almost up, 2022ish however little has been surfaced since Hackterias forays into daphnia / kutu air in Jogja, Indonesia and CPH Denmark in 2014.
We have all the pieces of the puzzle, just have to make a final hacklab and presentation.
The daphniaology page [https://www.hackteria.org/wiki/Daphniaology] as a post (https://www.hackteria.org/wiki/Daphniaology)

And https://www.hackteria.org/wiki/Daphniaology
still a holding page on https://www.hackteria.org/projects/distributed-daphnia-domestication-programme-dddp/ 2012

Daphnia Hacking with single AA
we can hack daphnia to make more babies with single amino acids :slight_smile: arginine :slight_smile:

Single amino acids control the switch between reproductive modes in Daphnia pulex Ulrike Koch, Dominik Martin-Creuzburg, Hans-Peter Grossart, Dietmar Straile

From https://d-nb.info/997334169/34 [document]
Bibliography http://kops.uni-konstanz.de/handle/123456789/8142
Resting egg production in Daphnia:food quality effects and clonal differences
Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades
der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.)

Abstract The life cycle of invertebrate herbivores is often characterized by the specific ability to form resting stages and thus to cope with unfavorable environmental conditions, e.g. predation, extensive seasonal temperature fluctuations or decreasing food supply. The switch between reproductive modes is thereby a critical life history event, which has to be timed carefully. Using the aquatic keystone herbivore Daphnia (Crustacea, Anomopoda, Daphnidae) we combined two encompassing fields of food web research, the shift between reproductive modes and effects of food quality, and investigated how Daphnia balances the switch between subitaneous reproduction and resting egg production. The present study was particularly addressed to the question if the availability of single, potentially essential, amino acids is able to adjust the timing of resting egg production. Here we show, that a shift from density induced resting egg production to ongoing parthenogenesis in Daphnia pulex can be triggered by the presence of a single amino acid, arginine. As almost nothing is known about the influence of essential amino acids on Daphnia reproduction we were additionally able to show for the first time that histidine and a mixture of ten amino acids increased numbers of subitaneous offspring.

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