I interested for encapsuled an message in Kombucha. I think the only easy method is crsipr (may be I’m wrong). Also, I serach person who can help me or/and connected me with persons who have skills… It’s for an artistic projetc (yep I’m an loosy artist)
Do you want the message to glow or have a different pigment? I’m guessing that you want them to grow in a way that due to some cellular interaction certain cells in the middle change their phenotype. Or how do you imagine it? May I know what inspired you for this idea?
I think you have to induce the formation of the message by drawing the letters with an effector liquid in any way which is not insanely complicated. And then you could maybe let it grow out into some cool reaction diffusion pattern like one shown in this video. He demonstrates multiple pattern types in this video. Just zapp through it.
Thx you for you help. I’m not interested actually for change the phenotype of Komucha (but it’s interesting too !). And thx for the video on Blender, it’s cool. I make some rendering on Blender it’s usefull to know that.
Well, my point is to introduce a message in the ADN of the Kombucha.I want encapsulate a sentence in the bacterial cellulose’s ADN (but don’t change his proprieties - I hope do not have interaction). My idea is to work on sort of sculpting on ADN. It’s not really more on this side.
I know that is possible to encoding a message in CGTA sequence and use that for insert it in an ADN.It’s not crazy but enough complicate for moment. If I find a way for do that may be I cango more far after.
"A read you on finding homologies in DNA for the message one wants to ‘encode’ - as this would not need encoding, just the ‘pointer’ for where to find it in existing DNA and the decoding algo for the message. I thought of this back in the '90s too. Since my assessment was that the available DNA data is just not ‘big enough’ and doesn’t have the variance need to ‘already contain all possible messages’ we’d want to ‘encode’.
They were using a CRISPR technique on a specific strain of e.coli. I’ve done DNA transformations in the past but not CRISPR. Does anyone have experience with CRISPR at the Bitwascherei?"
We don’t yet have so much experience here in Bitwäscherei Open Science Lab… but we have already done the legal admin to be able to work on such experiments, incl the BSL1 registration with the etra tick on the CRISPR experiments.
I am so far not familiar with encapsulating messages into Kombucha but are very keen about learning more as well.
What I remember from the Hackteria community there has been this super interesting bioart Project from Pavillion35 where they transformed a digital image that was translated into DNA then changed by a bacteriophage and then retransferred into an digital image again, where you could saw the changes done by inserting mutations.
I had in mind effectivelly this type of projet, I was verry impress by the Mulbridge video transform in a ADN movies… (marc already refer to that). Also, I like so much Muldbridge work as Marey…
I can add, I had read a lot Benjamin, Simondon and Canguilhem… well may is a sort of infra-mince from Duchamp next step…