Any Hackers in Birmingham, UK or tips for an ex academic going DIYBio?

Hi everyone

So a little about me. In 1999 I finished my degree in Biological Sciences (Genetics) at University of Birmingham. I had 4 years post grad molecular biology lab experience but for various reasons things didn’t work out and I ended up with no PhD and sadly leaving the world of research.

Today I’m still a lover of science and still miss the wet lab experience. My children are also growing up and I’d love to share the joys of pcr etc with them. I’d really hoped to find a hackerspace but no luck so far. Does anyone know of any spaces/likeminded folk near me. I’d also be interested in your thoughts on how feasible it is to set up at home -seems to be a nightmare to see anything decent and not extortionate on eBay.

Even a hello would be amazing :wink:


Hey man if u want to come to our research lab in France, we host u :wink:

Hey, that would be awesome, what were you thinking about?

Are you still based in Birmingham?
check out Bomlab in Birmingham(have hosted/exhibited Artist+Biologists in the past), ASCUS(an amazing art and science citizen lab) in Edinburgh.I myself am slowly building a homelab for a target of £1000ish, which might do PCR. My first big purchase was a 3DPrinter because there is so much that can be done in the way of labbing with one. An example would be the different microscopes that can be built.
Find your local hacker/maker space first though.

No I am based in Vienna, have been there for Lauries BAB Lab Festival in 22, are you in Birmingham?

I was addressing cpx /Claire / the topic.

I am based in NCL, but in Zurich for Surf nTurf.

Hey man we could collaborate. U can even visit us… housed and fed !!

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